Quotable quotes
I have been concerned at many
representations I have received about
the loss of the Cabinet at Reed as a
public house.
Having lived in the area for many years, I
can remember many times when the
Cabinet was extremely popular and well-
attended. Children would play in the
garden while their parents socialised, the
food was good and it was very much
valued as a community amenity.
Many of our pubs are in attractive
buildings and there is the temptation to
try to turn them into homes and thereby
increase their value. I feel this needs to
be resisted.
Many pubs in our area have proved that
what is needed is good management.
The Fox and Duck at Therfield has seen a
recent renaissance, as has the Cricketers
at Weston, the Fox at Willian and many
others. The owner will argue that it is
impossible to make a go of it, or to sell
as a pub etc etc, but the story of the
Golden Fleece in Braughing shows that if
a Council stands up for its pubs, a good
future can be found.
I have also seen the Save the Cabinet
Action Group paper and agree with the
points raised.
Anyway, many local people resist this
change of use.
Best wishes
Rt Hon Sir Oliver Heald QC MP
Member of Parliament for North East